During the An Achievable Dream Tennis Ball on November 16, 2013, Aubrey Layne announced that Mike and Nancy Petters, along with their daughters Caroline and Sarah, are the sponsors of the Class of 2014. Their generous donation will provide annual merit scholarships for each member of the class every year that they attend college and maintain a 2.0 or higher grade point average. A closely guarded secret, the announcement of the An Achievable Dream Class Sponsor is always a highlight of the Tennis Ball. The graduates of the Class of 2014 will be known as the Petters Family Scholars. Mike Petters is the president and CEO of Huntington Ingalls Industries, America’s largest military shipbuilder.  Nancy, Caroline and Sarah Petters are all teachers and are active as volunteers in their communities.
“For me, the American Dream is about achieving your destiny,” Mike Peters said. “Our opportunity to help these young people also gives us a small way to pay back those who helped us.”